What moments fuel your soul?

Hi, thanks for stopping by! It’s me - Reagan Fennessy. I’m an artist that focuses mainly in watercolor and acrylic. When quarantine struck, I finally had the time to do what I love to do most - create. Since then, I have done hundreds of commissioned portraits of people's homes, pets, wedding venues, even a 50 ft mural. Name it, and I’ve probably painted it! Recently I have been trying to branch out and dabble in the oil paint world, as well as some digital illustrations. As you can probably tell, there isn’t one exact medium or subject matter that I put all of my energy into. I like to be open to new creative projects and let my multidimensional personality shine through. My commissions are the more tame side of my creativity, whereas my original pieces are a bit of my light hearted funkier side. Needless to say, you’re bound to find something you like. My goal as an artist is to capture life’s beautiful and memorable moments as well as those moments in between that maybe are just a little quirky but still bring a smile to your face. Come join me, and let’s create some fun!

“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring